/BCO-DMO/CMORE/bloomer/13C --lat eq 23.18-- Level 1

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#   Discrete samples of 13C fixation rates
#   Ocean Microbial Ecology Laboratory
#   Ricardo Letelierxls
#   oiginal file: White_KM0715_Summary. ingested into B09
#   updatento BCO-DMOeptember 28, 202011 (a (aed : Feb 11 2011 (a (ancillary columns added - data not changed)
#   date updated: December 7, 2011 (format change only - data values unchanged)
date      lat       lon       sta       
20070817  23.18     -159.277  19        
depth     C_fix  C_fix_stderr  C_fix_lt_10um  C_fix_lt_10um_stderr  C_fix_gt_10um  activity_and_comments  
5         41.55  4.21          49.59          9.13                  0.00           nd                     
25        32.85  0.05          42.45          5.21                  0.00           nd                     
45        25.15  0.78          30.53          5.57                  0.00           nd                     
75        2.07   2.07          21.67          10.17                 0.00           nd                     
100       0.00   nd            2.51           0.46                  0.00           nd                     
125       0.00   0.00          0.00           0.00                  0.00           nd